Hello, my name is
Ashish Kumar
And I'm a
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About me

I'm Ashish Kumar and I'm a

I am an Information Technology Undergraduate from NIT Raipur with a can-do attitude and phenomenal Time Management skills. I am a software developer, an avid learner, and a competitive programming enthusiast who's always looking for opportunities to leverage the dynamism of technology. I am always ready to pick up new Technology and challenging roles.


My projects

Vaccination Locator

Locate all the vaccination center in your city with all details.Built using Javascript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.

Covid Tracker

Live tracking the daily and total number of cases all around the world. Built using SpringBoot, HTML, CSS.

GroupChat Web App

A group chatting web Application for any number of users.Built using NodeJS, Socket.io, HTML, CSS.

Blog Website

A blog website where user can veiw-add-update-delete blogs.Built using NodeJS, HTML, CSS.

Magic Notes

A notes keeping website whwre the user can add-delete-veiw notes.Built using Javascript, HTML, CSS, Bootstarp.

A-One Classes

Built a platform for online study of students with different complex functionalities using React & FireBase.

My skills

My Related Skills

I like competitive programming and I have strong skills in Data Structure and Algorithms.I have experince in web development as well. I also have strong grasp of theortical subjects such as OOPS, DBMS, Operating Systems, Computer Networks.

HTML , CSS , Bootstrap
C, C++
Java, SpringBoot
JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS
SQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle
Git, GitHub, Postman, Hadoop

My education

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